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Simplifying Complex Property Division Issues In Divorce

How do you disentangle the property and assets you joined together in marriage? This is often one of the biggest questions people have when starting a divorce. Thankfully, this is not something you need to figure out on your own. When you hire a firm like Cloutier Law Offices P.A., you’ll have an attorney who takes the time to understand which assets are most important to you and will advocate for a settlement that meets your best interests, both now and in the future. 

What Should You Expect?

Under Minnesota law, the settlement reached by the parties must be considered fair to each spouse. This does not mean that each person will receive exactly half of the couple’s property, but that could be a starting point in many cases. The end goal is to ensure that each spouse has what they need to be financially secure after the divorce. 
For couples with significant assets, the equitable division of marital property can be a very time-consuming and tedious process. Attorney Elizabeth Cloutier has been working on complex property division cases for more than 25 years. She will work together with you to develop an approach that allows you to protect your assets and emerge from your divorce in a financially positive position. To arrange a free consultation to discuss your divorce and property division concerns, call Cloutier Law Offices P.A. at 612-332-5100


Consulting With Other Professionals

Depending on the size of your marital estate and the diversity of assets, it may be wise to bring in other financial professionals. Ms. Cloutier regularly works with financial professionals who understand the complex nature of these cases. Together, they can help resolve complex property division issues such as:

  • Examining retirement accounts and investments to determine the amount that is considered marital property
  • Working with trained business valuation professionals to gain an accurate appraisal of any family-owned business interests
  • Contemplating options for the couple concerning their marital home
  • Closely examining all of the couple’s property in order to separate assets that one of the spouses brought into the marriage
  • Determining the amount of spousal support that may be necessary and appropriate

It is common to have disagreements over what should be considered marital property. Ms. Cloutier will perform a thorough review to account for all the assets that belong to a couple and work toward finding a fair resolution to your property division concerns.

An Attorney Protecting Your Financial Future

Fighting for your fair share of assets isn’t a matter of greed. Instead, it is a way to ensure that you have the resources you need after divorce. To learn more about how Ms. Cloutier can help you during a free initial consultation, call the firm in Minneapolis at 612-332-5100 or fill out this online contact form.